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February 06, 2009

BG Levels: I'm Checking In

Ok, I'm going to tell you a little secret. I haven't been checking my blood sugar levels consistently for quite some time now. Every once and a while I go through a phase where I start checking my BG (blood glucose), and I try to stick with it, but then something clicks off in my brain and I stop testing.

So from last night at about 9:45 I will start checking my levels again, hopefully for good. I will update you daily with a single posting of my blood sugars for that day and then a weekly roundup at the end of the week. If I don't post my BG levels for a certain day that could mean one of two things: either I forgot to post or I have stopped monitoring.

If I stop monitoring, feel free to send me a nasty email or comment via the posts (not too nasty please :) ). My goal is at least 3 checks per day (breakfast, lunch, dinner) Below are my BG readouts from last night until lunch today:

9:45pm - 129
7:32am - 239 (Little high, I had a bite to eat right before sleeping)
12:50pm - 67 (Eating a little later than usual - work related)

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